Bourdeaux: Disappointed But Not Surprised

Press Release

Date: Feb. 13, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

United States Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07) released the following statement after the Senate concluded its impeachment trial of former president Donald J. Trump:

"The result of former President Trump's impeachment trial is disappointing, but not surprising," said Congresswoman Bourdeaux. "We remain deeply divided as a country about appropriate behavior for a president. I remain firm in the belief that lying about the results of an election and trying to pressure officials into overturning the results of a free and fair election is not okay. Inciting a violent mob to attack the US Capitol to try to 'stiffen the spine' of the Vice President and Members of Congress to overturn the results of a free and fair election is not okay. Justice was not served today. But I will never give up on our democracy. We will continue to resist the former president and his conspiracy theorist supporters at the ballot box, and there will be on-going legal action at the state and federal level. I look forward to seeing where that takes us."

The trial ended with a vote of 57-43, including seven Republican Senators voting to convict.
